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Lessons with Amber
75US$Cada mes1 hour weekly private lessons with Amber Shayeb- Private Lessons: Voice
100US$Válido por un año- Receive one complementary ticket to a show of your choosing
250US$Válido por un año- All of the above plus...
- Listing in all show programs and on the website for 12 mo.
- Invitation for two to a Technical Rehearsal of 1 production
- Admission for two to one production of your choosing*
500US$Válido por un año- All of the above plus...
- Two complementary “Bring a Friend” ticket vouchers
- Invitation for 2 to the final technical rehearsal of 1 show
Associate Producer
1000US$Válido por un año- All of the above plus...
- Invitation for two to a first read-through rehearsal
- Design presentation of one production
2500US$Válido por un año- All of the above plus...
- Signed poster from an upcoming production of your choosing
- Admission for two to every production*
Executive Producer
5000US$Válido por un año- All of the above plus...
- Backstage Tour for Four
- Admisison for two to every production+
Resident Company
10.000US$Válido por un año- All of the above plus...
- Admission for two to every production
- Opportunity to have lunch for two with the Artistic Director
Gold Sponsor
150US$Sponsor Level 3Válido por un año- Name in program
- 1/4 page ad (43⁄4 wide x 17⁄8 tall or 23⁄8 wide x 33⁄4 tal
Platinum Sponsor
250US$Sponsor Level 4Válido por un año- Name in program
- 1/2 page ad (43⁄4 wide x 33⁄4 tall)
Corporate Sponsor
500US$Sponsor Level 5Válido por un año- Name and logo in program
- 1/2 page ad (43⁄4 wide x 33⁄4 tall)
- "Thank You" post on social media
- Pre-Show Announcement
- 2 tickets to a performance
Marquee Sponsor
5000US$Sponsor Level 7Válido por un año- Company name above show title on program and advertising
- Full page ad in program (43⁄4 wide x 77⁄8 tall)
- Dedicated show for sponsor invitees
- Pre or post cast meet and greet
- Webpage banner for all shows through July 2024
- Big poster at all shows through July 2024
- Pre-show announcement and table space available
10US$Cada mesLarry Lamar Yates Memorial Scholarship Recurring DonationRECURRING DONATION
20US$Cada mesLarry Lamar Yates Memorial Scholarship Recurring DonationRECURRING DONATION
50US$Cada mesLarry Lamar Yates Memorial Scholarship Recurring DonationRECURRING DONATION
75US$Cada mesLarry Lamar Yates Memorial Scholarship Recurring DonationRECURRING DONATION
100US$Cada mesLarry Lamar Yates Memorial Scholarship Recurring DonationRECURRING DONATION
100US$Larry Lamar Yates Memorial Scholarship Single Time DonationSINGLE TIME DONATION
10US$Cada mesVálido por 12 mesesBIGGEST FAN
25US$Cada mesVálido por 12 mesesSTAGEHAND
50US$Cada mesVálido por 12 mesesMAESTRO
75US$Cada mesVálido por 12 mesesSTARGAZER
150US$Cada mesVálido por 12 mesesCOMMUNITY PARTNER
500US$Cada mesVálido por 12 meses$50 Dinner Sponsor
50US$The Work Continues Scholarship DinnerVálido por 2 meses- Individual name or business listed in dinner playbill
$100 Dinner Sponsor
100US$The Work Continues Scholarship DinnerVálido por 2 meses- Director shout out at event, medium size logo in playbill
$300 Dinner Sponsor
300US$The Work Continues Scholarship DinnerVálido por 2 meses- Large logo in playbill, Director shout out at event
- Dinner table named after you or business
Season Pass - Individual
75US$Perfect for individuals who attend multiple shows per seasonVálido por un año- 5 Mainstage tickets for the season.
Season Pass - Couples
150US$Perfect for couples who attend multiple shows per seasonVálido por un año- 10 Main Stage tickets for the Season.
Season Pass - Family
300US$Perfect for families who attend multiple shows per seasonVálido por un año- 20 Main Stage Tickets for the season.
Theatre Dad Seat Campaign
75US$Add to your legacy as an advocate for the arts by purchasing a chair- Name plate on the back of the chair
Michael Dante Booth Light - Option 1
140US$Add to your legacy as an advocate for the arts by purchasing a stage light.- Name plate on the Shine Bright Plaque in the main lobby.
Michael Dante Booth Light - Option 2
55US$Add to your legacy as an advocate for the arts by purchasing a stage light.- Name on plaque located in main lobby
Stage Door Sponsor
1500US$Sponsor Level 6Válido por un año- Name and logo in program
- Full page ad in program (43⁄4 wide x 77⁄8 tall)
- Pre-show announcement and table space available
- 6 Complimentary Tickets
Silver Sponsor
50US$Sponsor Level 2Válido por un año- Name in program
- 1/8 page ad (23⁄8 wide x 17⁄8 tall)
Individual Sponsor
25US$Sponsor Level 1Válido por un año- Name in Program
Basic Sip
10US$Cada mesVálido por 12 meses- Access to one live episode per month
- Digital newsletter with behind-the-scenes content and snea
- 10% discount on select merchandise during the event
- Priority booking live sitcom events
- Sip & Savor Member Sticker
Premium Savor
25US$Cada mesVálido por 12 meses- All benefits of Basic Sip Membership
- Access to podcast version of live episodes
- Complimentary drink at each live event
- Exclusive Q&A sessions with cast and crew after performanc
- Early access to new episode announcements
- Sip & Savor Tea Cup
Ultimate Connoisseur Membership
50US$Cada mesVálido por 12 meses- All benefits of Premium Savor Membership
- Unlimited access to all live episodes each month
- Reserved seating at events
- Free merchandise, including a Sip & Savor T-Shirt/Tote
- Access to special members-only events and workshop
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