Selah Young Artist Drama Academy is a theatre program for young actors, with programs in a variety of genres and skill levels. Depending on age, sessions range from 10 weeks to 29 weeks program options that will challenge and inspire you to reach your potential.
When you come to SYADA this year, you will:
Practice and perform on the beautiful campuses of OrchardView, Unitarian Universalist Church, or Selah Theatre Project
Work with incredible teaching artists, actors, and directors
Forge friendships with students from around the Shenandoah Valley
Grow your skills and talents in theatre
Create theatrical moments for family and friends to witness
The classes by Selah Theatre Project are in partnership with Frederick County Parks & Recreation.
Registration can be through Selah, or FCPR. However, all fall/spring classes are taught at Selah Theatre and with our staff.
FALL 2024 registration is open NOW!
Selah Theatre Project offers classes and camps in the performing arts for students ages 7 – 19. These highly interACTive and fun camps, taught by seasoned teaching artists, encourage budding performers to explore the world of theatre.
Classes and Summer Intensives do NOT have an audition process. All that want to participate can enroll. The musical and play intensives are cast on Day 1 of camp. So, no pressure...just come and have fun!
Scholarships are available through the Larry Lamar Yates Memorial Scholarship Fund. These funds are reserved for families in need of financial assistance. To apply, please fill out this form:
For Families in need of a payment plan, please contact
For those interested in Student Theatre Design & Production for either of the intensives, register for the camp of choice and positions in costume, props, light/sound design, set design, set construction, set details, running crew, and stage management.